Lego Movie

 Thursday 8th September 2022

LO: To understand the narrative and characters in the Lego Movie.

. Lego Batman, Superman and other superhero's and fictional characters, also characters like Shakespeare

. References to american glue 

. Taco Tuesday

. Red Lego Brick ( piece of resistance )

. Builders building things out of lego 

. presents lego city which people build out of lego

. Properganda 

. Trying to fit in 

. When the characters build they either go by instructions or look for peices to build anything like people do in real life.

. Different lego worlds

. Monty Python And The Holy Grail reference.

. The Matrix, as Emmet was the chosen one and the world is different from the real world.

With that Lord Business shapeshifting reality from the rest of the lego world.

15th September 2022

An ordinary builder finds out hes the special to save the lego world from Lord Business and the piece of resistance  so everyone doesn't get glued on. Lucy and Emmet and the rest of the crew fight Lord Business and when Emmet gets knocked off the lego world he finds the owners ( the man upstairs ) and they help Emmett save his world and turn Lord Business. 

The main themes are Lego, Creativity, Friendship, Belief in yourself, everyone is special in their own way, 

The message is to always believe in yourself, don't be scared to ask for help, care about others than just yourself.

Emmet- Chris Pratt

Lucy- Elizabeth Banks

Morgan Freeman- Vitruvious

Will Ferrell- Lord Business

Batman- Will Arnett

Benny- Charlie Day

Unikitty- Alison Brie

MetalBeard- Nick Offerman

Industry Research 
Lo : To research the process, companies and regulators behind the film industry.

Production : The raw footage and other elements of the film are recorded during the film shoot, including principal photography.

Distribution : refers to the process of distributing a movie to the public.

Exhibition :refers to public screening of a film and involves the ownership, management, and running of movie theaters.

Conglomerate is a company that owns numerous companies involved in mass media enterprises, such as music, television, radio, publishing, motion pictures, theme parks, or the Internet.

The film industry in the UK is regulated by the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC). The BBFC is responsible for classifying films that have a cinema and DVD release.

The Lego Movie is a PG for its mild action, rude humor.

Warner Bros.Picture produced The Lego Movie as well as Lego.

Phil Lord and Chris Miller directed The Lego Movie.

TT Fusion Made The Lego Movie Game. Age rating was 4 and above. Owned by Warner Bros.

The Warner Bros. conglomerate produces the Lego movies in conjunction with Lin Films.

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) is the UK's independent advertising regulator.

Thursday 22 September 2022 

Lo : To research the process, companies and regulators behind the film.

Classify products (normally by age rating)
Ensures content of products meets acceptable.

 The BBFC gave The Lego Movie a U rating meaning Universal having audiences 4 and over allowed to watch it because of Mild Fantasy Violence, Mild Bad Language.  

The VSC has awarded The Lego Movie game has received a PEGI 7 because it features non-realistic violence in a child-friendly setting or context and violence that lacks any apparent harm or injury to fantasy or mythical beings and creatures.

Narrative Theory

The Lego Movie is seen as a Postmodernism as it is an Action, Adventure film with a bit of Romance between the two main characters Emmet and Lucy. It also shows a regular lego character and presents him as a master builder, and also shows two personalities on Bad cop making his over persona kind and friendly. The change in character roles is Emmet and Wyldstyle as Emmet is supposed to be the hero but Wyldstyle is more heroic throughout the film, as if their roles are changed.  Its also seen as Postmodernist because it imitates text like "5 minutes later." They also have Emmet wear Mexican hats and act Mexican along with Taco Tuesday. The take on reality is the same as real life because people believing powerful people and has to fit in to be a certain way restricting people to be themselves, but near the end they break that like people did in society breaking gender norms and other socials. There is also a switch from animation to real life in the film making it hyper-reality.

Equilibrium: When Emmet woke up did his daily routine by a handbook and set off to work greeting everyone he passed. He was working as a builder from morning to noon being happy because thats the rules.

Disruption: Emmet after falling down the construction site find the piece of resistance he then meets rebellious Wyldstyle and follows her creating a scene as they get chased, Wyldstyle is convinced Emmet is the chosen one and they both go through a secret wall ending up in a different dimension ( Wild West 

Recognition of Disruption: The people who where following Emmet into the wall was a cop called BadCop who worked for Lord Business. He told Lord Business that Emmet had the piece of resistance and got angry rebelling against Emmet and his crew as they are trying to save Lego World from abomination. 

Attempt to solve: Emmet builds up a crew of master builders and they team up to defeat Lord Business and put the Piece of Resistance on THE KRAGLE but get caught and lego superheros from different lego worlds gets locked away including Emmet and his crew.

New Equilibrium: After Emmet gets back to the lego world from the real world he turns around Lord Business around to look things differently saying its okay to be different and people start to be allowed to create whatever with no limitations, showing the audience a sense of creativity and friendship. 

6th October 2022
Lo: To identify the target audience using demographics & psychographics
Target Audience

The Lego Movie target audience is for kids; kids who play with lego, parents to watch with kid ( could've played with lego when they were young?) and teenagers since they make up a lot of those who go to the cinema (could go with younger people or play/ed with lego.)

The movie appeals to kids as there are bright colours along with characters such as Unikitty and her other persona as they will like the character and find it funny. Kids will also find the slapstick humour funny along with the song choice (Everything Is Awesome) as its a catchy pop song for kids to sing along to. What the kids would like also is the message of creativity, The voices of Emmet would find funny like his screaming and laughing along with sound effects.

The movie appeals to teenagers as it has some darker comedy and the cringey flirting between Emmet and Wlydstyle., This also appeals to adults and there is also some dark humour which is enjoyed by teens and adults. There are also characters of lego people that adults would've had (Benny The Astronaught) giving back memories of their childhood. Adults and Kids would tell peers about the film because of the memories and overall film.

Building blocks of success: The marketing team is making their products appealing to children, however it is more appealed by elders. The Lego Movie is apparently ripping off adventure for kids. What Lego Movie did right was making kids be filled with laughter and inspiration of creativity, its very emotive, and they follow the story line with a twist fitting the Lego world accurately.  It laid the foundations for future success  by making DVD's for the kids when they grow up which is a good idea!  A sequel leading up from the Lego Movie also tells us that it is successful.

The Lego Movie does what it does as people go to the cinema to feel all kinds of emotions, which was successful with the lego movie, as its appealing to everyone. It has an emotive storyline that explores different meaning of the film (Love, Friendship, Finding your true self and creativity.) As we as people find ourselves that fit with other characters/people it gives us a deep level of our psyche thats rarely visited by commercial content. As we don't only start questioning the character but we also question ourselves. "A healthy dose of slapstick for the kids, cultural savvy for the teens, and scathing yet hilarious social commentary for the grown-ups. In other words, it’s nailed its content pillars."

Tent-Pole Production
In broadcast programming and motion pictures, a tent-pole or tentpole is a program or film that supports the financial performance of a film studio or television network. It is an analogy for the way a strong central pole provides a stable structure to a tent. This is The Lego Movie as it is marketing the lego for children to be like, "Hey i saw that on the movie, i'd like some lego" This has a Benefit for Warner Bro's as they are partners with The Lego Movie so it makes more moolah and gives them more credit along with Lego products. It is a tent-pole production as its a lot of money because it has a wide target audience, covers cost over The Lego Movie.
Holds up finacual support for a feel garrenteed to make money to support smaller projects.

13th October
Lo:  To explore marketing and promotion of The Lego Movie to link the methods to the target audience

. Everything is awesome rainbow queer lego set.
. Emmet keychain
. Pop Figures
. Bags
. Minifigures
. School supplies
. Sticker books
. Lego Movie Video Game

.Lego  Movie happy meal toys
. Lego collectable cards 

There are Warner Bros Posters of the lego movie featuring main characters on bill boards e.c.t
In London their where premiers set up.

Each week in January 2014, a new character poster was released.
Lego Stores scheduled linked events
The video game was released before the film 4th Feb, the game was aimed for teens to get more of them to see the movie.
Free accessory packs sold in stores after building creative models in-store.
A website that enabled people to make custom versions.

Websites that made people be involved as they could send in their own lego builds that could've been used in the movie
Promoted on twitter and Facebook and studios.

Horizontal Integration benefitted Warner Bros as they didn't have to share The Lego Movie with others and Used Themselves and The Lego Company to make a successful film and gives them more original and victorious advertisement, marketing and products overall. They also don't have to share the profit/money, as they would've gained the profit as they own the companies.

Most ads 30 secs long, not long even though its a lot of money.


In Dancing on Ice at 7.27pm on Sunday 9th February 2014- five days before the film was launched- ITV broadcast a worlds first, an ad break made out of lego!
The four ads used was: the British Heart Foundation,, Bt and premier inn all in lego making people be like "woah" as it hasn't been made before catching the viewers eyes until the end where the actual Lego Movie trailer was then shown.
They paid to have it done.
The adverts was towards the target audience as it was comedy and the kids would be engrossed as its LEGO!
They also released it on youtube at the same time so people can share it on social media for those who didn't see it.
People enjoyed it and went viral to the point it was written about in the news.
Over 1 million people went to look on youtube for the ad break and trailer in a week of it being live!
The tweets increased over 5 times before it aired, It was the best performing movie off the time making it successful making the film amazing.

Putting it all together

The Lego Movie made a whole ad break for DOI out of Lego catching the audience eyes making them watch to the end for the trailer, no matter the age group as it has never been done before on live television, as it went viral views and tweets where going up profiting The Lego Movie and Warner Bros. The ads on the screen where well known to the public making it easier to understand and to have a more comedic effect which links back to the genre of the film. since the ads and trailers went viral more people where willing to watch The lego Movie in cinemas and buying merch making it a great movie for its time, making Lego become even more popular and the views, rates and profits skyrocket out the roof making The Lego Movie be a successful award-winning film.

3rd November 2022
LO: to evaluate the methods used to market TLM to link the methods to the target audience 
Q: Why did Warner Bro's choose to have their logos made from lego?
A: They did this to represent TLM and their productions to hopefully get people to attract to the film, and for people to point out the reference.

Q: Why would they want their logos shown Before the trailer is played?
A: They want it to attract people towards the film and get engaged to the film and for a laugh innit.

1) Emmet is going about his going about his day watching the TV about President Business

2)  Lord Buisness says putting people to sleep, Then a clip whips to President business turn into evil Lord Business with explosions mentioning the Kragel.

3) Emmet goes hol up......PUT TO SLEEP? recognising this

4) The rest of the trailer focuses on attempt to solve as they are the parts that make it exciting and have more action packed humor, introducing new characters e.c.t

The exquibrium and disruption has to be quick as is a limit of time for the trailer. The solving of disruption is the most part of the film including its genre ( adventure, action and more humor.
The disruption is shown quickly because of the child audience as they would be bored with less humor and action as they are more attracted to action and adventure, whilst introducing more characters that the kids would be excited to see new characters.

Diegetic- sound that the characters would hear in the film world

Non-Diegetic- sound only the audience would hear

Intertitle- the text used between shots in a trailer

Colour Palette- range of colours used in media text

Camera Work:

1) There have been close us shots of key characters because it tells us that because for that they're important characters and is like were thinking with them with a comedy twist.
2) There are different locations shown so people are interested and the film isnt in one place creating suspicion ( ohhh whats that? ) as the creators would want people to react with lego worlds they maybe haven't seen.
3) The final scene shows Emmet and Wyldstyle and Vetruvious so we know they're going to be in a ( hopeful ) sequel and shows they're the main characters to focus on. It also is like an outroduction to the main characters as they're the heros making them look powerful creating the message that the good guys have won.

1) Diegetic dialogue is used to convey a sense of narrative as they're clearly speaking so we know where the story is going and what is happening.
2) The impact of explosions sounds gives us a dramatic thrill knowing there is action as well as adventure and comedy, it makes people want to watch it more because explosions and gunshots are cool (in films.)
3) Non-Diegetic sounds like background music is used to create atmosphere and makes the trailer more exciting and thrilling.

1) The pace of the trailer and quick cuts make the film more interesting for the audience wanting more. Each cut lasts not for long to create suspension and makes us 'on the edge of your seat.'
2) "The topo treart for half term" the target audience is clearly for children on their holiday break, maybe wanting to go cinema which is a perfect time for adults to take their kids, appeals to parents/kids.
3) Slow motion is used to create dramatic atmosphere. as using slow motion emphasises drama and slows down to quick scenes, building up intensity and excitement.

1) The various locations shown helps convey a sense of genre as it escapes worlds to new ones which kids relate to and keeps it not boring staying in on place, since being in different environments gives kids room for more to imagine.
2) The colour pallet is aimed at kids as it has bright colours and has colour pallets that go well or match the differnet lego worlds so its not too much or looks weird.
3) The costumes tell us that were all different and it matches their personalities and how they're like.

9th November 2022

Explain how The Lego Movie trailer uses 2 elements of media language to target different audiences.
One element used in the Lego Movie trailer is Mise-En-Scene. For example, they use characters that relate and fit into different age audiences ( like batman would be for teens as they would be more familiar and kids would be interested in unikitty) all these characters have personalities that kids can relate to and their character design suits them and fits the target audience, as Unikitty would be aimed at young girls with the stereotypical colour pink, and Wyldstyle with a cool popular and edgy design, that teen girls would like. Its the same with boys with Emmet and Lenny these characters can be enjoyable for any ages not just kids. In Mise-En-Scene in the trailer is the surrounding the characters are in (Lego city) and other worlds like the wild west and Cloud CooCoo land each have the characteristics of the characters, little kids will have an interest in the superhero world and cloud world as the colours are bright and the music is fun and bubbly, whilst in the wild west the world could attract older audiences and the kids might not know the wild west is an actual place with dull colours, so older kids may like lands like this as it has explosions and know more of it.

Editing is another element, for example they use lots of fast clips, creating suspence and mystery making the audience want more. This would appeal to older kids as they can be humorous with cutting out of speech quickly (e.g what the- (then it cuts). Slow motion is also comedic and showing the film is a mix of comedy and adventure. 

Lego Movie : Video Game
Lo: to explain how vertical integration benefits companies; to analyse using uses & gratification theory

The Lego Movie game developer is TT Fusion.
The Warner Bro's published TLMG
February 7th 2014 was TLMG release date.
Its an action and adventure game.
The platforms TLMG was released on, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation®3, PlayStation®4, PlayStation®Vita, Wii U™, 3DS™ and PC.
It is a multiplayer game.

Lego Batman
Lord Of The Rings
Spider Man
Angry Birds

Simultaneous Releases :
Profit maximised- increases potential audience
Familiarity- brand, plot & character known
Extends pleasure of the film- can have extended narratives
Cross Promotion- efficient use of marketing of both products to promote the other.

Entertainment is important as it entertains us.
Social Interaction is important as well as it encourages kids to play and interact with each over, and this makes them share this game to others since its soo cool.

17th November 2022
Poster Campaign
Lo: to explain the effectiveness of the campaign; analyse the reparations on the poster campaign

Denotation: Theres a white toilet, A green slug in the left corner, 3 rat characters, one girl and two boys and the girl is holding a red ruby. Two of the rats are hanging off by the toilet handle and the other on top. This film is British as you can see on the girl rat's trousers.                                                                                     Connotation: We can tell the rat on the top is a cheeky character from his big grin (almost like he's about to flush them;) The other two rats looks worried and the male one hanging from the handle comes off as posh from his suit whilst the others, not so posh. Because he stands out like this, it could mean he is the main character. The girl is wrapping herself onto the posh rat possibly suggesting they are close.
 This context tells the audience its about sewer rats that are getting "Flushed Away" down the toilet, and tells that it is an adventure?comedy by the goofy character designs an expensive ruby that looks precious to the character hinting its an adventury film.

This cover appeals to the target audience ( 7-14 ) because it has all the characters in a badass stance, as we can see Wyldstyle standing in a courageous and superhero-like position. Emmet has a grin looking all mighty holding a spanner which connotes to building and creating as that is the moral of the story (to create). It has dark, monstrous machine weapons in the background which would be new to lego, intriguing people, as well as characters they see from other films like BatMan still being in character up in the background. Emmet has the piece of resistance which foreshadows the main source of the film and hints that it however being a brick has an important meaning. We can also clearly see that Emmet is the mc because he's at the front like most posters include. The colour pallet has toned down neon colours creating mystery and a cool atmosphere also making the colours not to bright and not to dark making it satisfying to the eye as having an aesthetically pleasing yet fun colour pallet it can intrigue people without being bored by the colour choice . We can tell the villain of the game is the evil man, with a red hat and we know that red connotes with danger, destruction and overall evil. With the villain coming from the sky looking angry towards the mc has connotations suggesting they are against each over and is like the final boss as he is the biggest and meanest, with him looking like he is leading his 'army' behind Emmet and the others. Teenagers would appeal to this as they mostly like action adventure games where you can go through levels fighting bosses and creating with your lego idea-ness.

Thursday 1st December 2022

Accurate spelling, punctuation & grammar
Explain why certain elements of Media Language appeal to the TA
Use PEEL chain to structure
Use connotations to explain the appeal

LO : to analyse the representations throughout The Lego Movie promotional campaign


Thursday 8th December 2022
Lo: to analyse the representations throughout TLM campaign.

Task, coming up with 5 characters :

Flash- mixed race male, straight, punk, bad grades, has epilepsy.
Otis- black male, gay, writer, smart who ends up helping Flash
Kirby- white female, queer, artist, dyslexic and adhd, kind to all
Jake-  white male, straight, ballet dancer, into fashion
Evelyn- black female, likes any gender, has albinism, addicted to video games.
Wyldstyles gender representation:

TLM supports Wyldstyles representation of femininity by having a slim structure as that is the 'female stereotypes' even though she is a lego brick and not every female is skinny but society makes it that way by social media that influences on girls, which makes Wyldstyle portray as Feminine. Her long hair in a ponytail also connotes to most girls as girls have normally longer hair than boys. 

TLM subverts Wyldstyles femininity by dressing her in all black, which isn't seen as a 'girly' colour. She is portrayed through her outfit, pose and overall character as a cool-kid and her character reflects off of Batman with the dark colour and similar personality, also making her seem more 'tomboy'.

Her role helps bring in a wider audience as they're are many other feminine and girly characters but with a main character being an edgy dark mysterious and cool character can show kids that to be a girl you don't have to be this and look like that, but instead makes kids feel more confident and expressive about themselves.

In the trailer she is represented as the heroic one that fights and being what male characters would likely do, challenging gender representation.
Its the same in the with the video game as we still see her creating and leading with the action, although in the start of the video game trailer theres a clip of her being feminine flirting with Emmet being more 'girly'.

We can tell that Lord Business is middle aged because his expression shows his wrinkles as the other characters don't except Vitruvius who clearly has wrinkles and grey hair and a beard, him also being blind supports elderly representation.

Wyldstyles smile and hairstyle shows innocence and has child-like features but her personality and maturity also with the ways she dresses juxtaposes that idea making her more like a younger adult which supports her age of being more mature showing she's an adult .

Emmet on the other hand works on a construction site and although being adult-like can act more immature than the others, this could connote the representation of kids despite his adulthood.

Thursday 5th December 2023 
Put it all together
LO: to explore exam style questions and how to answer them effectively.

Film Uk Regulator:   BBFC 
Tv and Radio Uk Regulator: OFF-COM
Advertising Uk Regulator:   ASA 
Magazine & news[aper Uk Regulator:   IPSO 
Video Games Uk Regulator:   GRA 


Media Conogmerate - a company made of other lil companies
Production- when shooting begins
distribution- process of making a film for viewing
exhibition- public screening involving the management and allat

Diegetic- sound that the characters would hear in the film world

Non-Diegetic- sound only the audience would hear

Intertitle- the text used between shots in a trailer

Colour Palette- range of colours used in media text

Mise En Scene-a term used to describe the setting of a scene in a play or a film. It refers to everything placed on the stage or in front of the camera—including people.

The Lego brand works with Warner Brothers in various ways. The Warner Bros. conglomerate produces the Lego movies in conjunction with Lin Films. Warner Bros. distribute the films to a large number of countries theatrically, as well as use their own Warner Bros. subsidiaries to release the DVDs and BluRay discs. They also own the videogame division (Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment) who produce and release the video games. This is an example of vertical integration.
The Lego Movie homework for 26/09/23

The Lego movie official trailer:
. Starts with Emmet who is going about his normal life as a construction worker (stereotypical male job). He is presented as an “Ordinary Guy”, although we see him living alone and driving to work singing happily. 
. The storyline shows in the mid section of the trailer the part when the plot increases in pace where we are introduced to, first Wyldstyle and later on more characters revealing that Emmet is “The Special”.
. We also see the villain which is the critical point in this story as it’s an action/adventure with easy to understand comedy (as we see in the trailer).
. Tension is added to the viewers as they don't see the climax of the Movie which will make the audience eager to watch the film.

TLM video game trailer:
. We start of with an upbeat soundtrack which is similar to the movie’s soundtrack giving off the same vibes; courageous and adventurous.
. The first character we see is Emmet, as he is the main protagonist of TLM.
. The Movies main theme is the expression of creativity, hence why the game is about building and unleashing your “Master Builder.” These representations of men, woman, children etc building and working as a team encourages kids (the target audience) to communicate their ideas to not only themselves but to others also.
. there are fun action scenes in the game as well, this is so that the game has more inclusivity, not making it just “building.” The fun aspect of including adventurous scenes makes a story in the game following the footsteps of the movie, kids enjoy having a story to go along as it’s entertaining and can intrigue them to play the game more.

(Could only find these two trailers as link did not work)

Convergence- making a product available across different platforms in order to reach different audiences. TLM trailer was broadcasted on Tv, after school hours directing at a younger audience. The trailer was released on YouTube to target teen audiences.

Narrative- a story line. Emmet and friends go on an adventure to stop the tyrant, Lord Business.

Tent Pole- a big budget movie that supports the financial performance of a film studio. TLM is a Warner Bros film, TLM was a big success with a budget of 60 million dollars to making a 468 million dollar profit.

Franchise- a business that gives the right to another person or business to sell products or services using it’s name. TLM is the first Lego film to be a franchise with following movies such as: The Lego Batman Movie, The Lego Ninjago Movie and The Lego Movie 2.

Audience- A target towards viewers/people from a producer of a film, song etc. TLM has an audience mainly made up of younger kids due to its childish humour, although this there are themes of adult humour which both Teens and adults will enjoy. The film is targeted towards everyone of all ages and/or sex ect, but the audience is mostly kids.

Conglomerate- A bigger company which owns smaller company’s . Warner Bros collaborated with Lego to make the franchise.

Hmw 31/10- 7/11

Which company produced and distributed The Lego Movie Game?
Warner Bros 

Which company developed The Lego Movie Game?
TT Fusion

Who regulates the film industry?
BBFC ( British Board Film Classification)

What is a tent pole film?
A big budget film that supports the financial performance of a film studio(s)

What is Genre Hybridity?
A film/tv show which blends themes and elements from 2 or more different genres

What’s intertextuality?
A piece of media that uses connections to social life by including relationships between texts, films, games ect.

Tuesday 5th December 2023

The Lego Movie Revision
UK Regulators:
Film: BBFC (British board film classification )
TV and Radio: Ofcom
Advertising: ASA ( advertising standard authority)
Magazine and Newspapers: Impressed
Video Games: VSC ( video standard council)

Target Audience: Young kids who play with Lego
                            Parents of kids  who used to play with lego, nostalgia 
                            Young adults (15-25)

Uses and Gratification:
Personal Identity- When the audience relates to the character. TLM gives a variety of characters who are different to one another.
Information- Can teach the audience new things/remind them. In TLM we get information about new lego worlds and characters.
Entertainment- entertains the audience, TLM gives the audience an escapism from the real world.
Social Interaction- Families can watch it together, watch it socially. TLM Video game can be played across different platforms with other people.

  • We can tell that the genre is action from the explosions of the city, and the abnormally flying Police cars which you would find loads of in a city
  • We can tell that the genre is sci-fi from the strange space-craft in the sky charging at the characters
  • We can also tell the genre is a comedy from Emmets expression. His scared face makes him seem pathetic compared to the side characters which gives of comedic values towards the audience.

Referring to another pice of media. TLM shows intertextuality by introducing Batman, Superman etc as he has his own separate movie. ( Bringing in characters from different film) The audience will recognise these characters and may enjoy the film more by seeing their favourable characters.


The campaign produced a variety of teaser posters with a strong brand image.
The characters in the posters include stereotypes but also attempt to reflect the context of greater gender equality.
Virtruvious and Lord business are older characters as shown by the wrinkles on their face, their facial expressions are serious snd uninteresting which can support the stereotype of old men being serious and stern.
Emmet re-enforces the stereotype of men working in construction industries, as we see him  wearing construction site uniform, however, his facial expression juxtaposes this masculine stereotype as he is presented to be scared.
Wyldstyle creates the stereotype of over-femininity by wearing a face full of makeup with pink hair and lipstick which is stereotypically classed as a girl colour. The blue stripe in her hair  can hint the foreshadowing of bring more masculine than presented.

Adverts- (British Heart Foundation,, BT Broadband, Premier Inn) -4 adverts
In-between adverts- the lego movie character introduction to give the audience a taste.

Uses and Gratification:
Personal Identity- When the audience relates to the character. TLM gives a variety of characters who are different to one another.Having a range of characters makes more people relate to more characters. People could also feel inspired by these characters. For example people who have good skill and are creative but don’t have many friends despite being kind. Teenage girls would relate to WyldStyle mostly as she wears all black, her hair is in a lazy up do and her personality resembles a teenage girl, her hiding her true identity could make people who mask and hide there true selves from people relate to her even more which is more people than you think.

Information- Can teach the audience new things/remind them. In TLM we get information about new lego worlds and characters. People who already know a lot about Lego would most definitely be keen to learn and know even more, this peaking there interest also increases profit for the Lego Movie Game as it includes new worlds and adventures. Both TLM and TLMG have different elements which can interest the audience.

Entertainment- entertains the audience, TLM gives the audience an escapism from the real world. The genre has hints of comedy in it with some humour that older teens/adults would understand this makes more people of more ages want to see the film, not getting bored.TLMG has all of these but mostly has aspects of action with it including explosions and cool sound effects which attracts the viewer more, if it had less sounds and visuals less people would want to play it even if they enjoyed the movie.

Social Interaction- Families can watch it together, watch it socially. TLM Video game can be played across different platforms with other people. Multiplayer makes it so that people could come together and play it also, including more people together, can spread the word of the game and bring people closer as they are playing this thrilling exiting game.
Hmw 6/2/24
Gender in TLM poster
Emmet on the front cover is running away from the disastrous scene with bad guys behind him portray him as a weak character, also this portrayal of weakness is further suggested by his scared facial expression. This breaks the stereotypes of a male heroine in a film.
However gender roles are switched even more as we see Wyldstyle looking brave, juxtaposing the stereotypes of a female to male gender role. Her facial expression is more fierce and confident than Emmets. This could be hinted towards her Tom-boy like character but can also represent girls to be strong. This message is important as it shows younger audiences you don’t have to be what society “tells you to be”. 
We can suggest that this switched roles of gender in the posters can foreshadow Emmets fearlessness and him being heroic and more of a “man”, even though this film likes to break gender boundaries.
Hmw 27/02/24
Todorov in TLM:
Equilibrium: Emmet awakes from his sleep, gets ready for work in a happy mood greeting people in the city. He gets his usual coffee and then heads out to where he works, a construction site.
Disequilibrium: At work Emmet sees something unusual that catches his eye, he is the only one that sees it, as he goes pick up this object (the piece of resistance) he locks eyes with a mysterious girl who we eventually find out is Wyldstyle, a side character.
Lord Buisness wants the piece of resistance which Emmet and now Wyldestyle have. 
Recognition: Both of them try and find Vitruvius for answers as they recognise that Lord Business is after them and will do what ever it takes to get it, he goes so far that he starts a Lego world battle.
Resolution: Emmet gangs up with a team including Wyldstyle to overtake Lord Business, despite the challenges Emmet faces such as falling out of The Lego World, Emmet and his team still defeat Lord Business. 
New Equilibrium: City folks help to reconstruct the city which Lord Business destroyed and Emmet is as popular as ever before now with friends, a girlfriend all because of his creativity and imagination which saved Lego city.

A videogame can attract different audience demographic than the film , appealing to gamers who may not have been interested in the film or wasn’t aware can add to the sells of the game and maybe movie. This can broaden the reach of the movie and possibly attract new/more fans which leads to more sells increasing the profit of TLM.
Tuesday 7th May 2024

Regulator for Film: BBFC
Regulator for Tv and Radio: Ofcom
Regulator for Advertisement: ASA
Regulator for Magazine and Newspaper: IPSO
Regulator for Videogames: VSC

Target Audience:  Family
Kids-attracted to the bright colors of the cartoon posters
Adults who get nostalgia from lego and also taking child there
Teens find the advert intriguing used to or still like lego.

Uses and Gratification:
P- Personal Identity- audience may relate to or identify with certain characters, aspired
I- Information- understanding the context/the world- children can learn from this
E- Entertainment- enjoying escaping the 'real world', creates scenarios or get really into a world of film
S- Social Interaction- can be watched or played together, sharing thoughts, opinions, reviews online and in person

Genre= action ( shown by the visual elements of explosions and the hero-like  expression on characters face ) /sci-fi ( flying robots and cars )-elements of comedy (emmets face )

Intertextuality- characters from different films like Batman, Superman, Green Lantern etc..

Media Language in the poster
  • Clothes, Setting
  • Colour Palette ( Primary bright colours that attracts younger audiences )
  • Text ( 3D )
  • Imagery
  • Layout 
Media Language in Movie and trailer
  • Mise En Scene
  • Editing
  • Diegetic and Non Diegetic sounds
  • Camera- movement, angle, shot type

U&G in TLM Videogame:-= Promoting Media
Social Interaction- multiplayer game- shows both male and female playing it- Gender equality
Personal Identity- states over 90 characters to choose your favourite and to identify with- Mis En Scene
Entertainment- explosions, action packed scenes, fast paced editing= Editing, Camera, Sound
  • introduction to new character
  • Intertextuality of famous characters from other shows/films
  • fast paced editing, quick transitions

U&G/ML in TLM trailer tv advert:
  • There is a Set Narrative
  • Mise En Scene- Wyldstyle shown as an independent woman which opposes gender stereotypes through her black clothing in comparison to Emmet who wears bright colours that can show him as less masculine as batman who wears the colour black
  • Editing- slower paced editing transitioning between scenes to a set narrative and to show a cliff hanger to the audience to keep them interested.
  • Sound- Music which increases tempo throughout the trailer to increase tension, music breaks to show the hint of comedy suggesting in this multi-genre film.
  • Camera Movement keep the main characters in the centre of the shot to show they are the main characters also combined with the camera paneling/zooming in to the characters.

Tuesday 7th May 2024

Regulator for Film: BBFC
Regulator for Tv and Radio: Ofcom
Regulator for Advertisement: ASA
Regulator for Magazine and Newspaper: IPSO
Regulator for Videogames: VSC

Target Audience:  Family
Kids-attracted to the bright colors of the cartoon posters
Adults who get nostalgia from lego and also taking child there
Teens find the advert intriguing used to or still like lego.

Uses and Gratification:
P- Personal Identity- audience may relate to or identify with certain characters, aspired
I- Information- understanding the context/the world- children can learn from this
E- Entertainment- enjoying escaping the 'real world', creates scenarios or get really into a world of film
S- Social Interaction- can be watched or played together, sharing thoughts, opinions, reviews online and in person

Genre= action ( shown by the visual elements of explosions and the hero-like  expression on characters face ) /sci-fi ( flying robots and cars )-elements of comedy (emmets face )

Intertextuality- characters from different films like Batman, Superman, Green Lantern etc..

Media Language in the poster
  • Clothes, Setting
  • Colour Palette ( Primary bright colours that attracts younger audiences )
  • Text ( 3D )
  • Imagery
  • Layout 
Media Language in Movie and trailer
  • Mise En Scene
  • Editing
  • Diegetic and Non Diegetic sounds
  • Camera- movement, angle, shot type

U&G in TLM Videogame:-= Promoting Media
Social Interaction- multiplayer game- shows both male and female playing it- Gender equality
Personal Identity- states over 90 characters to choose your favourite and to identify with- Mis En Scene
Entertainment- explosions, action packed scenes, fast paced editing= Editing, Camera, Sound
  • introduction to new character
  • Intertextuality of famous characters from other shows/films
  • fast paced editing, quick transitions

U&G/ML in TLM trailer tv advert:
  • There is a Set Narrative
  • Mise En Scene- Wyldstyle shown as an independent woman which opposes gender stereotypes through her black clothing in comparison to Emmet who wears bright colours that can show him as less masculine as batman who wears the colour black
  • Editing- slower paced editing transitioning between scenes to a set narrative and to show a cliff hanger to the audience to keep them interested.
  • Sound- Music which increases tempo throughout the trailer to increase tension, music breaks to show the hint of comedy suggesting in this multi-genre film.
  • Camera Movement keep the main characters in the centre of the shot to show they are the main characters also combined with the camera paneling/zooming in to the characters.


  1. Excellent notes Amber - well done!
    You clearly understand the target audience, its appeal and the industry elements.

  2. THEORY & AUDIENCE: good notes

    MARKETING CAMPAIGN: clearly understood

    VIDEO GAME Q: good detailed response

    GAME COVER ANALYSIS: This is hilarious but you need to write more formally in your exam please!
    WWW: you identified three different elements and explained their appeal
    EBI: use the terms connotes/connotations

    POSTER ANALYSIS [10]: absent


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