Music Magazines

 Monday 13th March 2023

The  Music Industry

LO: to explore the magazines industry ownership, regulation & revenue.

Important definitions:

Conglomerate: a corporation made up of several different, independent businesses..( big company that owns smaller companies)

Globaliseddevelop or be developed so as to make international influence (international product business)

Diversify: A company expanding their market by producing products (when a company goes from producing one thing to a variety of more media forms.)

Regulation: Guidelines for media use differ across the world (blocking and monitoring to protect the public.)

Revenue: complete amount of money that is generated during a specific time period. The money is used to calculate business profits. Media houses make their money through direct payment and indirect payment. (the amount of income by a company)

Circulationa count of how many copies of a particular publication are distributed. (a count of copies that are distributed)

Who publishes them: Mostly Us and/or German big companies.

Whats on Tv- Future PLC

Radio Times-Immediate Media Company

Tv Choice- H.Bauer Publishing

Take A Break- Bauer Media Group

Good Housekeeping- Hearst Communications

Glamour- Conde Nast (Advanced Publications)

Inside Soap- Nat Mags and Hearst Communications

  • Ranging over 80 Bauer Media UK magazines, the site specialises in subscriptions and single issue sales in both print and digital.

  • Kerrang! is a brand that specialises in rock music. ...
  • Empire is a monthly film magazine. ...
  • Closer was launched by Bauer Media in 2002. ...
  • Motor Cycle News (MCN) launched as a newspaper in 1955.

  • It operates over 150 radio brands.
  • They own Absolute Radio, KISS, Radio Network and RMF.
Bauer Media Group is a diversified media conglomerate because they own many magazines and radio companies, showing they're a very big companies who also owns smaller but known companies.

IPSO or Independent Press Operation regulate newspaper and magazines.

There has been a dramatic fall in print magazine sales over the past 10 years because of social media, as you can now read news and buy subscription magazines.

Companies cope wot this downfall by going onto social media as everyone is on there (nearly) so they publish their magazines online for people to buy instead of going out to buy it. They still do print them and sell them in shops and gas stations though.

Magazines receive revenue for these 4 sources : Advertising, Circulation, Product placement, Sponsors
Monday 27th March
Music Genres

1) country singer cuz of the hat and the stance he is in bending over slightly with a guitar 
2) THE FOO FIGHTERS are a rock band with loads of hits we know this from the grungy clothes they are wearing like leather jackets and long hair. 40-60s.LITTLE MIX
3) girl pop band with clothing most girls wear with normal makeup. age late 20s.

Types of genre:
Heavy metal 
Hip Hop
Electro Funk
Bossa Nova


  The Genre of rock has been around for ages with a massive community and is one of the most popular genres with a wide audience and stars never loosing their fame. The stars usually have a signature look but most can be found wearing grungy clothing and long hair to do moshing. They also sing about violence and drugs but can have varied song themes. Sometimes you see the stars smashing their instruments with how crazy the atmosphere and crowd gets.

The genre of pop is the biggest genre with big well known stars who dress to impress and is all for entertainment. The stars from the pop genre are the ones to mostly win awards from people playing there music and it being mainstream on radio channels and just being the most popular.

VKEI is a music genre across Japan and the most popular in the 80s. This genre is characterised with a gothic style and makeup. They wear flamboyant and stunning clothing but its not always you see them like this. The music correlates with glam rock. The way they present them self are of a freedom of expression. The band in the picture is called 'Malice Mizer'. They play as characters saying theyre vampires born in the 1500's!

Their target audience is for everyone but mostly 17+. 
The fans and their aesthetic are referred to as Bangya (バンギャ).
The vast majority of VKEI musicians are male (in the picture are all men).

Some lyrics translated from 'Ma Cherie' from Malice Mizer.

In my hard shoes that were forced into me
That person who can't move in the show window
From time to time, this end will be on XXXX street
For the people around here, Matte Mill might be good too
Splashing in a puddle in the morning after rain
Let's make a wish on the city on a starry night
lovers don't know
The trigger is also Nanimonaku
Yes, two people from half a century that I saw after a long time
Look at the happiness spilling out of that window
Even if you ask me to keep quiet
The people around here also come to rub
Yesterday afternoon's sunrise is a little more in a dream
Let's make a wish on the city on a starry night
lovers don't know
The trigger is also Nanimonaku
lovers don't know
The trigger is also Nanimonaku
Let's make a wish on the city on a starry night
Chestnut return This word is a word of prayer

show windowの中でうごけないあの人
きのうの午後のひるはもうすこし 夢の中
栗返し この ことば は いのり の ことば

Monday 22nd may

Color palette: Secondary colors like pink and purple

A mix of long, mid and close up shots

Main image: of the main pop star in the middle of the page

Typography_ big font for masthead to stand out with smaller but still poppy fonts.

Lexis: a mix, some slanted pieces of texts with more info but larger writing with a larger layout/font

Layout:  Main image in the centre with the main title at the top, with smaller quick info for an easy read as its directed at kids (10 year olds)

Mis En Scene: Mainstream style of clothing that is popular, cute trendy makeup on the girls, an overall style that matches the centre person. Typical choice of clothes that kids would find appealing and not weird 9out of the ordinary) 

colour palette: colours like and dark greys 
mainly long shots or middle close ups
Main image: of the main singer in a band or of the whole band together with an instrument
Typography: big blocky fonts which are big and visible with punk fonts
Layout: one big image and so smaller images of the logo of the band
MES: Wearing edgy clothes that are included within the alternative community, with crazy hair and more experimented with makeup/clothes/positioning

color pallet: There is a theme using colors that are mainly red, white black, this color pallet contrasts with the pop magazine. The bright but simple colors have an affect of dark vibrancy.

Main image: a single rapper, a man commonly used on rap poster headlines as its more seen as 'man music' Placed in the centre line mostly mostly or close shot.

Typography: Big blocky fonts, similar with the rock posters fonts 

Layout: A simple background with the person in the centre with writing around them making the image the centre of attention.

MES: chains around the neck, old-school style that can be seen as 'swag' loads of masculine jewelery, in a dominant poe that opposites to a feminine pose.

22nd May
Genre & Target Audience
Genre they mostly like

What might suggest the age of audience with a cover

Color palette
Main Image
Mis En Scene

Demographics look at the factual data like age, gender, martial status & income

Psychographics look at the lifestyles, behaviours and attitudes

This appeals to the Target audience which would be older teens, we can tell this by the monotone image in the centre of a rockstar, this could appeal to older teens as younger generations would prefer pop and pretty colours over this grunge look.
The font being in uppercase can emphasise the rock-ness which makes it further evident that teens would like this as they are often associated with being edgy and have a wider music liking. The illustrative graphic style looks like its been collaged on which the audience would like because of its experimentation with the layout and design whilst other younger kids would like similar magazines being repetitive with pop colours and an easy style.

  This can target a young audience that have enough money to buy it, we can tell this as the violin is expensive and mostly played by higher class citizens. The younger audience would be appealed to this as the commitment of young musically talented people would pick this up with its revealing quality and the genre of classical can prove my point of the expense of the audience and magazine.                                                                     
Tuesday 5th September

The target audience are a mix of Males and Females because of:
  • The colours being used aren't stereotypical male or female characters so the colours can appeal to both genders.
  • Drake is the main image in the middle, Drake is a man so men are more likely to pick up this magazine, unless of coarse a female is a die hard stan of Drake.
  • The genre of this magazine is music and both male and female listen to music, but in this case the music is rap which is more targeted towards male audiences because of  the masculine engery around this rap culture and sometimes explicit language.
The Sarah Chang Music magazine is targeted towards groups of cultured and educated people because:
  • The typography is flowy and posh looking.
  • The instrument is a violin which takes talent, skill and practise.
  • The woman is very presentable with elegant clothing and well done makeup.
  • The violin is classical which screams cultured and well educated.
We can tell the target audience are interested in quality music from different decades because of:
  • the black and white colour which can symbolise older music
  • The other bands are from early years before 2010. 
  • Different fonts can tell us they target different decade music listeners.
  • Madonna looks rebellious with her devilish facial expression.
  • She has crucifix and is using it against the religion, wearing it as an accessory.

Mojo U&G
LO: to explore the appeal of Mojo magazine to its target audience

Music Magazine audience are active because you can choose what magazine to by from the majority of different styles/genre AND because you can choose where to read and what to read.

Uses & Gratifications

Personal Identity           Information            Entertainment           Social Interactive

We are provided with tons of text and information crediting people, included with different sections. The sub headings provide the audience with a guide about the information provided.
The images make it more informative as they are easy to read images that fits with the information.

The Jimi Hendrix magazine is entertaining as it is included with a CD which those who picked up this book will be glad to get as this is targeted to fans of him. This dramatic visual is entertaining to the reader/audience.
The life of different celebrities including JH  would be informative and entertaining. The colours pop out to the reader to pick up.

The reviews can rise up discussion and debates which can create more popularity.

Tuesday 12th September 2023

This Mojo magazines target audience is those who like the genre of rock and alt rock. The colours suggest this is directed towards men with the dark, broody colours to match the stereotype of men being strong and bold (like the colour palette being used. Free CD! includes entertainment to make the reader listen to the sponsored band's cd's music. The typography being used tells us the style is modern which juxtaposes the bands being shouted-out in the cover-lines. They included social information; "The Ultimate Interview" This can also be entertaining to give out gossip about a viewers potential band they like. (including other bands reaches out to more people so the ficus isn't on one single band. 

LO: To understand exam style questions and practice exam technique

Question 1: 
1) Ofcom

2) BBC

3)A radio station that benefits the public 

4) Convergence

5)  stations that branch out (diversification, going into one business to another)

6)  Conglomerate (company owning other smaller)

Question 2
A way that music radio stations can meet the requirements of public service broadcasting is the educational advice they give to their teens/late teen audience. For example Radio 1 Live Lounge talk about the topic of school, revising and helpful tips so that the listener gets information at the same time as listening to music. 
They also include new emerging artists in the Uk that are beneficial to new Brit artists, sharing their music to inspire young ones, engaging both in music providing entertainment to the listener. They do this as well as play music by already famous artists to keep the audience (of 15-29 year olds) banqueted of different music and genres.

One way that music videos (SB & TD) create representations that are different from one another is the contrast effect of gender stereotypes. In SB Avril is playing a girl character who is bad-ass, rebellious and swag which conflict with the stereotype of girls being feminine, obedient and good-natured. In TD, gender is represented different by how the girls and boys, stereotypically, act. Like how the jock is seen to be presented as big and strong and the girl is pretty and quiet. Both of these character designs contradict with one another, representing gender.
Tuesday 19th September 2023
Do Now:
  • Values all music genres (LDR is blues pop but the magazine also includes Elvis (Rock&Roll)
  • Targets teens that are into old music, know by the layout and big fonts + big image
  • Includes a free cd which makes the reader listen to their music more (entertainment)
  • Unreleased songs that draw the readers attention
  • Female role model (PI)
Music Industry: Q1 and Q2
LO: To understand exam style questions and practice exam technique
Magazines attract their audience with uses and gratifications of Personal Identity and Social Interaction. They re-enforce a readers values depending o their music taste. People who are interested in rock will pick up a magazine about rock, o the magazine tries to include different things that will attract rock lovers, MOJO magazines use this way of attracting a certain audience. They also attract their audience with like-life conversations of topics within a community of music listeners whatever the genre. Interviews socially feels like the reader is included in the text making the use of SI attractive an audience.
Music videos
Teenage Dirtbag:
  • Linear Narrative
  • Set in America, in a School, we see: the stairs, the parking are, break are, hallways, gym
  • We saw a stereotypical Nerd/Loser boy, a stereotypical jock/bully,  stereotypical jock girlfriend/feminine girl
  • The lighting was bright as it was set inna school but hen turned to dimmed lighting (The prom).
Sk8er Boi
  • performance
  • Urban area in America
  • abandoned building/parking lot/middle of the street/ Setting
  • more male characters (The female spotlight on Avril)
  • punk white girl, different races but mostly white
  • illegal/rebellious behaviour
  • Over saturated and different lighting
In Sk8er Boi, media language is used to differ from Teenage dirtbag. In SB the Mise-EN-Scene is different. We know this from the characters and what they are wearing, for example in SB, we see the main character, Avril, wearing punk clothes, this consists of baggy clothing, caps and stud bracelets. This outfit choice was made to make Avril look rebellious, Punk and popular. This contrasts with Teenage Dirtbag as we see the characters wear casual clothing (being set in a school) . This opposes the stereotypes as the MC in TD wears nerd-like clothing:graphic shorts presenting him as a nerd, The jock juxtaposes the style and is made to look like a bully. The Mise-En-Scene depends on the setting and the genre, both videos opposing each other.
Tuesday 26th September 2023
OfCom regulates media in the Uk
The BBC owns Radio 1
Public Service broadcasting is a radio that benefits the public
Merging of separate media forms in one entity is Convergence
Diversification- branching out to different businesses
Baur magazine is an example of a conglomerate.

Question 3

The BBC provides a wider range of content than commercial radio because there audience is more targeted. They use more content that are for 15-older adults, they have a variety of content ranging from Revision tips for school kids (Age 15 plus for GSCE and A-LEVEL) and they talk about news in the nation which targets the older audience. The use a wide majority of content to meet the remit and fir the larger and more engaging audience. The content consists of: quizzes, games, artists that can either be emerging British musicians or popular artists who get presented on the radio for the audience entertainment. For example the BBC invited Drake onto their station Live Lounge to give content to the listeners and for them to recognise this big artist, The BBC also juxtaposes tis as they play not so known artists, as well they play emerging artists around England. The BBC get their money from TV Licenses making them able to afford all big artists and support of small artists, whilst Commercial Radio stations get theirs from payed adverts, hence why there are more advertisements on commercial radio and also prizes including Money which targets over 18 year olds as youngens aren't allowed as its eighteen plus. The BBC benefits the public (Public Service Broadcasting) and has diversification whilst Commercial stations don't support this idea of benefiting the audience.

Tuesday 10th October 2023

Do Now:
1) Mise En Scene is Props, costume and design, and makeup (things the viewer can see on television)

2)Editing is changing a video and changing the visuals

3) Camera work- The way something is filmed

4) Sound is something we hear which can later on be distorted or edited

5) Narrative- a story line

6) Diabetic sounds can be background action sounds ranging to small sounds to music, that are edited into the production

7) Non-Diabetic sounds is something only the audience can hear within a Tv production

Music Industry; Q4
Lo: to explore the exam style questions and practice exam techniques for q4 focusing on media language and representation

Q1: Analyse the representation of musicians in the extract from Music Magazines
how are they presented?

The musician in Mojo Magazine is being presented as Moody, Mysterious and Mellow. There are many reasons of why we can tell this. For example if we look at the colour pallet of the magazine its made up of dark colours; red, black, white and yellow. In the centre frame the musician is coloured in black and white. This creates feelings of darkness and mystery. The shadows are deeply contrasted with the white in the image of the musician.
To be able to see the emotions he is expressing the shot needs to be close up. The mid-close shot of his face makes the details stand out therefore making his emotions stand out more. His also emotionless expression evokes representations of Mood, Mystery and Mellowness.

Q4: Analyse the representation of age or gender in the extracts from Mojo Magazine 

Age is represented as depressing, serious and lifeless. We know this from the dark colour pallet as it black and white has connotations to sadness, seriousness and death, this is presented though the background colour, the person and the lexis. There is also a colour of red which supports the idea of death; feeling of being lifless is also shown throughout the cd of "murder Ballards" because the noun "murder" is death. The use of Close-mid shot also approves the ides of feeling unalive (lifeless) through his clear serious expression.
Tuesday 31st October
Do Now
1) shot types- how close the camera is and its position/perspective
2) Typeface is the font used
3) Colour palette is what colours are used and if it has a theme (warm colour palettes include oranges and browns ect)
4)What is Lexis, it is text/writing on a magazine
5) Masthead is a company logo at the front of a magazine

LO: To explore the exam style questions and practice exam technique for Q5 focusing on media language and representation

The layout is cluttered. The reason for the layout could connote towards the target audience of young girls, to support this suggestion we can look at the colour palette that is made up of pinks and purples which stereotypically is a 'girly' colour. These colours are highly saturated which can be too much for the eyes which links to the layout appearing cluttered. There are a lot of images with different celebrities everyone would now.

This layout contrasts the first magazine as this has a more organised and ordered layout this can show someone who is sophisticated will read it. The background is simple and the style is more modern when the other magazine was more of a 2000's style. This formal magazine has a typeface of a serif font, this re-enforces the idea of the target audience being to those who are adults and simple and also for those who are sophisticated. The imagery shows a young girl who looks nerdy and posh as she is holding a saxophone. The choice of subtle and dull colours (a muted colour palette) supports the idea of the magazine being formal and traditional.

The bold sans font emphasises the magazine and gives off a vibe of country proved by the colour palette showing a modern twist to the magazine making it look up to date, therefore this tells the audience the music is new music we hear. The red of the Q is saturated because it reflects off of the muted and cool down tones of the magazine making it seem as if the magazine is casual, promoting realism on Ed Sheeran presenting him as a casual person.

Tuesday 7th November 2023
Do Now:
1) Babyboomer means late aged adults (years following ww2)
2)Diversification means branching out to different businesses/products
3) Audience address is how something addresses to the audience
4)Discerning- having good judgement
5)House Style means the presentation and layout of a company preffered written material

LO: To explore the exam style questions and practise exam technique for Q5 focusing on media language and representation

15 marks=15 minutes (Q5)

how far- agree or disagree, give you opinion and why OR give reasons for both sides

Context- what life was like at that time (changes in gender/society/law/culture/sexuality/consumerism/multiculturalism/celebrity culture throughout time)

Shot type= med long shot of David Bowie 
Bands/Artists mentioned= 8
Masthead= White, Uppercase Sans Serif, Grey shadow
Main Cover Line= Pink and Greyscale, white, black sans serif, Uppercase, bold, bigger than minor cover lines
Minor Cover Line= similar smaller writing with the main cover line, black and white
Placement top text: around the sides and some at the top
Genre codes- music- the colours suggest rock and roll/Blues music this is supported by the Dance The Blues CD
Puff= 2 types in pink/white boxed shape (142 reviews and free cd)

The colour palette are made up of black, white, pink and greyscale colours. This suggests that although there is a male in the shot type (David Bowie) the magazine expresses through the colour palette that men can show a feminine side. In the 1900s it was seen abnormal to dress and act feminine, the colour palette contradicts this as the pink being used is known to be a stereotypical girl colour. The highly saturated palette evokes feelings of excitement, joy and self confidence which the magazine is trying to portray with the colour palette. The Pastel colours suggests that the Star Vehicle is not afraid to break boundaries which can connote to his musical genre of rock and roll. The juxtaposition of the music and the colour palette can further prove confidence about not being afraid to express yourself.

The main image in this Magazine differs to the Mojo Magazines colour palette. This si because the main image has a detailed background compared to the background on the Mojo Magazine as the colour palettes are different. "The Wire" includes a natural lighting with colour tones of light blue, brown, greens ect. The colours can show the magazine is for chilled back people who go with the flow from the maturity of the colours being used and the main image and the vibe it brings.

Different ways used to promote TLM:
- merchandise
- ad break
- mc Donalds happy meal toys
- posters
- teasers
-free give-outs gifts

Mc Donald's happy meal targets kids. MD is a good brand as its world wide and also is known my most people. Kids love Mc Donald's and having a toy with a lego character will make them intrigued for when they hear about the movie. it promotes the lego movie as it is bought by tons of people. Teenagers will see kids get these toys and adults who are paying for it would possibly look into the lego movie as their child takes interest from the toy.
Tuesday 21 November 2023

Genre Codes- signs that tell you the genre
Intertextuality- reference to another media text
Typography- the text and lettering in a piece of media
connotations- suggested meaning
Lexis-it is text/writing on a magazine

LO: To explore the exam style question for music magazines and music video.
Media Language
Color palette

. Wearing little to no clothing
. wears gold which has connotations to royalty
. Serious face
. wearing gloves- reserved
. royal and rich colours
. ordered layout
. sans serif- modern and clean
lowercase- rebellious, not following the rules

. 11 images, lots of people
. main cover image is a group- old males
. all men covered to the next in suits- formal suit but not serious- not sexualised- looking up- god-like- low angle shot- shows importance
. colours are bright, multi-coloured colour palette-psychedelic vibes of the 60s-80s
. cluttered layout shows excitement and the magazine being full of information
. sans serif lexis with script- in upper case- "the music magazine" is serif and in a fancy font which contrasts the rest of the text as it shows vintage.

The media language is contrasted and used differently between the two magazines, MOJO and Billboard. This is shown through the use of composition. In the magazine Billboard we see the text laid out neatly and in proportion with one another. There is limited lexis compared to the MOJO. MOJO magazine has a unkept layout design with coverlines out of proportion and scattered on the page, this is to make the reader feel excitement and feeling as if the magazine is fun; where-as Billboard has a common layout and is modern which could possibly bore people in comparison the MOJO's layout.

The media language is also shown differently through the MES. In Billboard Shakira is presented wearing little to no clothes which is a way of sexualisation throughout the media. She is wearing black gloves and a headpiece in the colour of gold which connotes to royalty. We see in MOJO magazine, The Beatles, wearing suits up to their neck which connotes feeling of formality despite this feeling being contrasted with the bright colours on their clothing. In Billboard, Shakira is surrounded by a colour palette consisting of warm tones which is mostly browns, yellows. We see a lot of gold being used in the image which can covert the expression of power and being God_like, this sis also supported by her serious facial expression which makes her seem rebellious.

In conclusion. Billboard and MOJO magazine are shown differently through the use of media language.
Tuesday 28th November 2023

The magazine featuring theBeatles has a colour palette consisting of bright colours such as reds, oranges, yellow, warm hues; also includes brighter colours, resembling the 60's-80's. This gives off feelings of psychedelics and excitement. This indulges an audience of the older generation from the nostalgic feelings with the use of colour. Contrasting this the colour palette of Billboard featuring Shakira uses tones of gold which has correlations to royalty, therefore this can suggest that the target audience is for younger people which see Shakira as an "icon" or a "queen". The media language is used differently in many ways that is also more than just the lexis and just the colour palette. 


  1. 27/3- Excellent work today. T1: In your research try to add more information about the representations of artists and their dress, appearance, accents, language, behaviour.

  2. 22/5- Good analysis. T1: Link your analysis points to key information about the audience that is given in your reader profiles

  3. 5/9- Great work today, well done, excellent start to Y11.

  4. 19/9- excellent comparison of mise en scene. 4/4

  5. 10/10- Excellent analysis here. T: 3.Add another paragraph to expand your answer

  6. 21/11- Some great analysis points here. T: 3. Another analysis paragraph needed for your response from the notes we made.


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