Lights Camera Action

 8 November 2021

lo : to explore the use of camera work Lesson 4

starter : 1. la la land    2.1917      3.sonic      


In this frame, the shot is a medium close up. It is from the shoulder up and is close up showing there face.

This frame is mid shot, because half-ish of his body is in the frame

In this frame is a medium long shot because its supposed to be took far away but only with half of their body's.

1. movement of the camera either up or down- a pedestal ( booms from up to down )

    2.movement of camera from side to side- roating movement in which the camera positions remains in place but the face of direction changes

Lesson 5. 22 November 2021

    Setting and Colour                       LO: to explore the use of settings and colour 

1. A director might choose an isolated house in a rural setting for a horror film because its dark and eerie and can set the suspenseful and scary mood.

2. A director might choose a big city for an action film because there are a lot of people who like the hero and the villain could attack big in a city, it also makes a film more action-packed.

3.A director might choose a small seaside town for a romantic comedy because its small and cute. Small seasides towns are known as a place to relax with loved one. 

4.A director might choose a range of different countries for an action adventure film because it would have more acting in different places and could cause mayhem like in the film Avengers End Game, where Thanos effected the whole world.


1. A director might choose Blue and Red for a superhero costume because it resembles strength and blood from the enemies they take down. The colours are also bright and cheery making the superhero look cool and heroic.

2. A director might choose the colour black fora villain because the colour black is dark and can relate to death, making them seem villainous and spooky. Black could also be a good colour for villains so they could hide in shadows, because of contrast. 

Avengers Endgame Trailer.

The actions takes place in lots of different places on earth, in different worlds, and dimensions. The director did this so theres a lot of action and theres fighting everywhere and creates catastrophe.

The setting changes from fast to slow then fast again, creating suspension and excitement for the viewer. The colours are also bright from each setting changing making u go, wOah.

The setting affects the characters behaviours from the colours and design in the places they live in and also their fighting in the places due to the technology advantages and their timezone. You could tell where the scene was taking place because each place has its own personality, that goes onto the character from that place.              

Title: I'am Legend

Genre: Action, Physiological

Narrative: end of the world took over by infected humans.

Cast : Will Smith

Creative Writing :

I reckon the setting would be in a science lab in a world where there are mutant people. A bit like venom mixed with Rick and Morty. The colours i would use would be neon. It would be an action packed sciency film. About a man who at the end either saved the world or ended the world!!! I would choose colors like neon blue for a futuristic  lab, and because of chemicals in the lab could be bright vibrant colours. Crazy scientist for characters that mach the vibe of the setting.

Photoshoot - 6 December

 LO : To explore different styles of photography


Nature pattern picture by me

Lesson 7 

  •  17 January 2022

Lights camera action ! Sound And Film

Lo : to explore the use of sound in films


a horror film would have a tense, scary, uncomfortable, screaming, creaking off-putting sounds (  children screaming, giggling or crying )  Sounds/Music like that.

a thriller film would include sounds/music like bombs or whispering and/or ghostly sounds and creepy music.

a action film would have music with suspence and bouncy yet thrilling music. sounds like a car screeching to catch 

a comedy would have bouncy uplifting music, with sounds like friends telling jokes.

si-fi films would have extraterrestrial sounds and futuristic music. 

The sound in a film can be 1 0f 2 types :

Diegetic - sounds you would hear if you where in the scene E.e. someone speaking, footsteps, music on a radio.

Non diegetic- sounds that only the audience can hear like dialogue music.

 The Matrix

  • Diegetic - the dialogue, hearing dropping sounds and fighting with gunshots
Non-diegetic - loud booming drums, with backround music like wind and other track music 


Is the reproduction of everyday sounds use in for filmmaking .
These reproduced sounds can be anything from the swishing of clothing to braking glass and squeaky doors.
it helps create a sense of reality. Without background music or breathing or else it would be uncomfortable.
Foley in a nut shell is basically sounds in a film like ice freezing which people make themselves. It could be tiny details, you would have to use foley all the time for animation. 
Sounds in short film animation : door open and closing. gaming, phone, dog bark, walking, human expressions, rustle of box and other SOUND EFFECTS !

1. There are music in the trailer 
2.The music is spooky and sells chills down your spine
3. When someone speaks the suspence of music goes up
4.when the music chances so does the picture  
5.Yes you can tell wants happening in the scene with the speaking and you could possibly tell what is going on because on the mood of music
6. There are moments of silence in the music so you can hear the speaking like its important info
7. Characters speak as well so you know whats going on in the trailer and can tell what its briefly about without spoilers.
8. I would speak for a big fat friendly but aggressive man.
9. There are lots of sound effects like screeching cars and gun noises and helicopter/plane noises
10. Sounds like gunshots and bombs should be louder so its realistic and would blow your ears to shreds.

Sound effects i would use in my own science fiction film : Electronic noises like fast clicking for computer nerd characters, futuristic sounds like alien outer space sounds and also things like bleep bloop. I would go for a star wars kinda vibe. I would use music like 'After dark' by Mr Kitty.

Monday 31 January 2022 
 Do now :

Mise en Scene :
Made up of five areas, Settings and Props, Costume Hair and Makeup,  Facial Expressions and Body Language,  Lighting and Colour,  Positioning of Characters/Objects. 

MES communicates essential info to the audience. Each aspect of MES has hidden meanings within a film and sends signals to the audience about how we feel about a character.

Settings and Props

The setting and location in film play an important role. Sets can either be built or find a location which already exists. 
Settings can manipulate an audience by building certain expectations and then taking a different turn.

Science Fiction Film : I would pick a futuristic location like a forest with abandoned buildings and put overlays and effects over it making it a different tone, to make it look ore futuristic. The props i would use are high tech technology/weapons.

Romantic Comedy : The location would be a cozy town or a big city depending of the character. The location could be and everyday town that exists. The props i'd use are a Wooden Octagon Gazebo. There would be fairy lights around it, and the typical sunset, for its romantic atmosphere.

Horror : The Location would be dark, eerie town with no people and abandoned, except from the mc and maybe someone else making it a horror. Or a busy city making it seem normal at first. The props i would use are weapons, a newly made abandoned creepy house and other dark twisted objects like a cursed rocking chair.

Costume, Hair and Makeup :

Costume Hair and Makeup can tell the audience When the film is set, like if they're wearing big ball gowns. It can also tell what a characters personality is an other.

If a characters hair is well presented and straight and blonde, the character could be tidy, bossy or a Mean Girl.  Her bright pink colour in her clothes can tell she wants to be seen and is wearing a short skirt maybe telling us that she wants people to be wowed by her, making her popular, and in most films the popular girl is the mean character. This character is Regina George from Mean Girls

Facial Expressions & Body Language :

Facial expressions provide a clear indicator of how someone is feeling. If someone is smiling we assume that they are happy indicating a soft and kind character but if we put scary music over it changes the whole thing and makes them seem scary.

The Body expression on a character on the right is tilting backwards without a shirt meaning he could be in a fight with someone and his facial expression has a grin on his face with a ciggy in his mouth, he also has blood on his chest and because he seems happy and is standing, it could mean that he won a possible fight.

Lighting & Colour : 

Can be used to : highlight important/certain characters/objects within the frame, Can make a character look mysterious putting them in shadows, To reflect a characters mental state like bright colours = happy e.c.t.

Low key Lighting : 

. Produces sharp contrasts of light or dark areas
. Deep, distinct shadows/silhouettes are formed

High Key Lighting : 

. Lighting that is natural to our eyes and is more realistic
. Produces brightly lit sets or a sunny day

In the pictures it look like the characters are listening to someone on the phone, them crouching seems like they're secret and quiet. The dark tone that is low key lighting because of the dark toned shadows, suggesting the place and scene they're in is tense and unusual.

Positioning of people/objects :

Positioning can draw attention to someone/something.

If two people are at either end of a sofa avoiding each overs prescience, it could mean the two characters dislike each over and don't get on well or something happened between them. There arms are defensive and their facial expression is full of dull hate.

Monday 14 February 2022

Setting and Props - Fancy Furnishings, Candelabra, Food which looks expensive for its time. We know this because it was set in 1720-1750, and freshly preserved food was mostly for the higher archy in society.
The very handsome man in the middle is a pirate, we know this from his dreadlocks because pirates wether they're fictional or not, their hygiene would not have been great since they're mostly on a ship. His clothes look like random mix of cloth. However the men on either side of  Jack ( the pirate ) are looking clean, sophisticated and well preserved.
The lighting has a bit of Low-key. The candles give off a warm atmosphere. No shadows. 
The characters on the left and right look close to the guy in the middle like they're guarding him. 


Lighting - low-key, shadow, heavy contrast between light and dark.
Hair and makeup- Styled hair, no colour except natural hair colour. Makeup would be none because of the chemicals.
Facial Expression - no emotion, serious, corpse looking because of humans destroying The Human Race.
Props- High Tech, low mood lights. Underground buildings instead of high for survival.

Video : Shaun of the dead
Sounds i can hear :
Video games in the background 
Movement from sofa/walking
Movement of Toothbrush
Open and closing of door and window
Clank of the bowl.

Monday 7 March   Lesson 9

Recap of last lesson:
In the Filmshot from ‘Pirates of the Caribbean we can tell; the characters personalities, relationships and overall what’s happening in the scene. The setting is in a nice, wealthy and tidy room, we know this because of the fancy wallpaper, gold-framed pictures, gold imprinted table and chairs, there is also a lot of expensive food, which back then, when it was set, would have been only available to rich people or people of royalty.
The gorgeous man in the middle has dread locks assuming that because of that hairstyle, he would have been in the lower ranking class because the two other men either side of him have the exact same hairstyle ( tied up and very tidy ) suggesting that hairstyles in the higher ranking classes would have been limited to only a few, excluding dreadlocks. The clothes they wear are way different to each overs. The Man in the middle is wearing all sorts of different materials for his clothing suggesting he can only get his hands on items of clothing like his, whilst the other men have very formal clothing with white shirt and bottoms with no stains whatsoever ( this assuming again that they are wealthy ) ( because they can afford their wealth.) Along with the man in the middle they are all wearing hats, the two upper class men are wearing very tidy hats with gold linen going through the crease, topped with a red symbol ( probably a symbol of their positions.) Then, on the other hand, the man in the middle is wearing a battered-down old hat.
  The expressions on their faces are different as well because the two mens face are very serious and sophisticated, focusing on whatever they are doing, whilst the man in the middle is looking very amused even thought the other men are holding him, by the tell on their faces, not in a protecting way but a restraining way. Their expressions tells us that the man in the middle is quite a loveable character, from his looks to his body language.
Without lighting, we wouldn’t see what mood the scene is. As of here the lighting is warm from all the candles and it’s lights reflecting of the gold shimmery props. It’s seems to have windows in the room, even though we can’t see this we can tell that there are windows and they are open. This is because of the natural light coming in through from the left hand side. The colour of the room is quite dull assuming the people who stay/work in these places are not as an exciting character than the man in the middle.
  The positioning of the characters ; the two men are close to the man in the middle looking like they are restraining him assuming that they can’t let him go, whilst the man in the middle, who’s being restrained, has got his hands up, saying that they maybe need something from him that the other side ( upper class people ) don’t have.
 All of this tells us that the main character is in the middle (because of his unique self) and is being held captive by the opposing side, suggesting they either want something from him or he’s in trouble.

For a si-fi film the kind of mise en scenes I would use :
Setting and props : Be in a science laboratory with experiment samples and needles ( drugs )
Costume, hair, makeup : futuristic clothing but worn down, no makeup at all. Bloody clothing from alien.
Expressions & body language: very tired since humans would be on brink of extinction, worn out but eager because they just found alien life.
Lighting and colour : lighting would be toned down, a cool type of colour in lighting.
Positioning of characters: In frame and lots of rushing and tense scenes.

21 March 2022
Lo : to effectively develop an idea for a disaster movie.

Upcoming Disaster film trailers

1) Moonfall- 
2) Characters- mostly men a woman, spacemen/women.
3) Setting- in modern day but the world is messed up by super-mutants.
4) Actions- brave and heroic actions, fighting, use of heavy guns, explosions, tsunami cuz of the moon
5) Props- spaceship, space station, high technology, rocks flying through the sky
6) Colour- red and orange from the explosions and a lot of toned down colours
7) Narrative- a supermutans want to take down the moon and earth and these spacemen and people fight them off

The Tunnel

1) Characters- Girl, woman, man and civilians from the city.
2) Setting- quiet place in Norway on the mountains
3) Actions- People trapped, dangerous rescues, explosions
4) Props- vehicles. Important, wouldn't be  film without the bus
5) Colour- dark colours since its in a tunnel, red vibrant colours from explosions
6) Narritive- About people in danger trapped in a tunnel

The impossible

1) Characters- A family, a dad, mum and two boys
2) Setting- in East Asia on a lovely tourist beach ( a Island, paradise )
3) Actions- Tsunami, action is very quick moving, fight for survival, running, searching for fam
4) Props- destroyed buildings, destroyed vehicles, flooded island
5) Colour- blue with a hint of yellow to set an eerie felt feeling, red from wounds
6) Narrative- A tsunami on Thailand with a family trying to find each over in the aftermath of the tsunami, a shocking true story of a whole family who survived a natural disaster which is close to impossible to surviving 

Ad Astra 

1) Characters- a space crew
2) Setting- space, planets, spaceship
3) Actions- explosions, space missiles, crewmates
4) Props- space suits, ship
5) Colour- white, black, grey, red ( toned down colours )
6) Narrative- Threat to life space crew try to save the day

My Movie       This is fine

1. The main character is a alien with one eye ( like Mike Wazowski ) and a huge smile who crashed down to earth from trying to escape his home and a family found him and take him in and befriend him, they gave him a human name called Brent he tells them to get ready for a war which the family laughs off the BOOM comes crashing down the same species of Brent but they are attacking Earth and because this place was first set in Cornwall and the aliens attacked America, they have to get there to stop them, on their way they face earthquakes from the attacks from the aliens. Once they eventually find the aliens Brent talks to them in alien language and they end up leaving but Brent suspiciously gets left behind he then suddenly rises to the heavens above and gets crucified in front of the human population and gets teleported to his home and his family accepts him and they all turn good and is a happy ending for the aliens and the story ends with the family hugging from relief back at the human world.
 The message behind the story is that even though you don't have a great relationship with someone you can still make amends. 
To shoot shots i would use amazing cgi and it would havespecial effects like lava with the earthquake in my film.


 ( Better quality on phone ) drawed by me on ipad.

4 April 2022
Lo; to effectively develop an idea for a disaster movie

1. big explosions
2. plot twist
3. a disaster ( big)
4. death
5. mayhem
6. resolution 
T2 Better description of where and when the film is set
. The film i'm doing is about an alien who crashes down to earth, escaping his alien-kind, crashing onto Earth in the year 2030 where everything is more modern and technical, alongside with a new lazy and bossy generation comes an adventure filled with danger and hope, a family finds the emmett of an alien called Brent. As he meets the family at first he comes off as arrogant and witty but as they spend more time with Brent they find themselves more relatable to each over than they thought but as they where about to adopt Brent, he sensed something was wrong, not with him getting adopted by a whole different species but he felt someone was after him. Flashes to America of Americans getting exploded and shot at by aliens, who later we realise are looking for Brent in rage. Brent quickly informs his new family about whats happening but as they where about to scold him for saying such nonsense the tv flashed to the news of the alien invasion in America. Using Brent’s powers they quickly but with a few missions on the way he re-unites with his family, the disaster slides away and the story has a sudden ending but thankfully all is saved.

. Equilibrium- everything in the film world is normal, normal.
. Disruption- something happens out of the ordinary to disrupt norm life
. Recognition of disruption- the protagonist realise that something ain't right in the the world 
. Attempt to solve- the mc protagonist goes on a journey to solve the disruption.
. New equilibrium- the disruption is solved and a new normality occurs because things couldn't been the same before.

How it applies to my film

E- the family's life in the human world are introduced and seems normal, quick flashes towards alien lives and seems dangerous for Brent and is unhappy (  shows difference between both creatures )

D- the alien crashes to earth escaping his fam and the human fam finds him and takes him him and he explains what hes doing there so later they adopt him and thats when the aliens start attacking Earth.

R- the family hears about this and with Brent travel to America where the disaster is but affecting the whole Earth.

A- They get to America and Brent confronts his family and thats where he gets crucified and comes back to life but can only stay in the human world with his human family, his family leaves Earth and promised to never hurt Humans again.

N- flashes to 8 years later when Brent and his ''new'' family are happy and his life got turned into a film, making Brent famous. flashes again to alien world where thre is no one... ( for possible part 2,Ending.

Applying props theory my film, This is fine.
The hero - Brent who fights off his family to protect the Humans
The villain - Brents aliens family who are angry and taking out thier anger on the humans
The donor - Brents Human family give them their love and invite him into their family
The helper- helpers are again the family, the human ones.
The "princess"- Planet Earth
The dispatcher- The news announcement saying the attacks in America, the people need Brent tohelp even though he already knows.
The princesses father- The family.
The fake- no one

Monday 2 May 2022 

Flushed Away

The hero - Rodey, the main character who is a rat, who helps Rita run away from the villains and saves the day
The villains - The toad, Le Frog, Whitey and Spike who try to steal the Master Cable and take Rita’s ruby.
The donor - Rita who helps Rodey get back home if he helps her flee from the villains.
The helper - Sid, a rat who broke into Rodeys home and is staying there. He helps Rodey get back to the city where Rita lives to stop the great flood from happening.
The princess - Sewer city of London
The dispatcher- Harold, he warns the city about the flood before it’s too late.
The princesses father - the rats of the city.
The fake - no one.


E - Rodey is living luxury’s in his home when his owners left for a holiday, making the place his, starts off relaxed and out of the ordinary for Rodey.

D - A sewer rat called Sid shows up at his place and stays there so he can watch the football matches following up to the big game, Rodey tries to shoo him out but fails. Sid flushes him down the toilet and Rodey end up in a Sewer City full of rats, that’s where we meet the other characters such as Rita and the so to be villains.

R - Rodey and his friend and the others find out that there will be a flood when the big match hits half time for everyone to go toilet, but Rodey is back at home with the help of Rita.

A - He knows everyone in the city is in danger so with the help of Sid, he flushed himself down the loo again and saved Rita and the whole of the sewer City.

N - Everyone in the city loves Rodey for saving the day and him and his new gf Rita travel off into the sewers happily knowing everyone is now safe.
16th May 2022
                                            script writing and story boarding

Lo : to develop an idea for a disaster movie.

Blurb : 
Alien Brent finds himself trapped on a scary planet from flying away from his parents, only this planet is the planet you and me know, Earth. This new environment, although scary, makes Brent see life in a whole new way, but everything may not seem as peaceful as it seems, follow Brent and his friends to face dangers coming their way!

Brent ( Jim Carrey ) runs away from his mum ( Helena Bonham Carter ) and dad ( Johnny Depp ) and crashes SMACK BANG into Earth at full speed nearly killing himself and his pet Dragoona, a talking mythical creature called Anous that is absurdly ugly from his planet ( Voiced by Toby Jones ) Brent and Anous find a family of four with mum Linda ( Julia Roberts ) dad Ryan ( Liam Hensworth ) sister Molly ( Alina Foley ) and big brother Dylan ( Cole Sprouse  ) 

1- im hungry : Zooms up on shaking purple hands with someone with a cold depressing and hopeless expression.

2 im sleepy - slumped over body tired eyes, audible yawning, walking slow.

Script to where the disaster is recognised

Brent : *looks bored* "okayyyy so anyone wanna watch tv with me ?"

Thats where the plot has a twist and when they all watch the tv the news comes on telling that Brents family are invading Earth

June 19 2022

 My girl is a film about a girl who is best friends with a boy who is quiet, shy and has allergies to a lot of things, in the film the boy dies from a bee attack whilst the girl is left alone without her best friend by her side, with the help of her dads new girlfriend.

The director is Howard Zieff who directed in America.

My Girl has a second film, My Girl 2.


Company: Image Entertainment 

Distributed by, Columbia Pictures

Release date: 1991, November 27th

Time : 102 mins.

The film was going to be called I Am Woman but was changed in the end to My Girl.

The screenplay writer based the fictional setting of Madison, Pennsylvania, on small towns in the west where she grew up.

Filming took place in Barstow and Florida.

The film was classified as a pg13 but was after changed to a normal pg rating.

The girl in the film ( Vada ) has a Victorian house with different furnished interior. In the inside of the house in a room

The rating My Girl was given was 4/5 stars.

Monday 4th July 2022

Movie poster : 

Image- character

Film- title

Actor names

Release date

Tag line

Has not finished yet.

needs to add in : 

Actor names

Release date


( saved in work folder ) 


Monday 18th July 2022 

This Is Fine 

LO : to create an affective trailor

Minions trailer : 



Backround noises such as explosions and car noises

different villians

big bold title at the start of the trailer

Tones of yellow from the minions


depths of water 

Background noises such as : screaming, banging and horror related sounds


Sirens with webbed hands and screeching sounds


eyes rolling back from siren


drunk men

I also havent finished movie poster but it updated and saved. WWW: the idea of what to come up with and going through with it.

Ebi: i should add more tags on my movie poster and add 3 more to the storyboards.


  1. 21/3- Excellent ideas here very interesting. T 2. More detail in Describing when and where your film is set

  2. 16/5 Great work today, T: 3. use the format of the script from my blog and extend your script.

  3. 4/7- 1: Make sure that you have all the elements on your poster: Main Image
    Credit Block
    Actor names/director name
    Release date


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